Saturday, July 20, 2013

Great Android Samsung is trying to develop a foldable structure

Smart mobile phone market who managed to appear as the name of the most powerful company in South Korea-based Samsung, managed to attract the attention of users, especially women and young oysters old tradition wants to bring back to life the design of clamshell phone.

The team finally folded Android smart phone operating system W999'u introducing two Super AMOLED display, front and rear housed W999i model. The new model will be named as Samsung Galaxy Folder 800 x 480 pixel resolution LCD display, a dual-core Snapdragon S4 chipset, LTE support, and Android 4.2.2 operating system will be used.

Samsung Galaxy Folder claimed that the model will be presented to the market in August, while the price is not yet clear what will happen.

Samsung Galaxy Folder

Previous Philips Xenium introduced W8510'u news story titled, smart mobile phone, smart mobile phone Philips and Philips, information was given about.

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